Stone Pages > Selenite


Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum that's mostly commonly found in the form of a translucent, multifaceted stone. It's formed when sulfate and calcium-rich saltwater evaporates, and it has a hardness of 2 on the Mohs scale.

seleggs_small Eggs: Selenite 2 1/2 to 3 inches high / long, 3 for $12
Price: $12.00
Selheart_small.jpg Hearts: Selenite about 1 1/4 inches, 3 for $7.50
Price: $7.50
seltwwand_small Massage Wand Selenite Twisted / Spiral 6 inches, 3 for $15
Price: $15.00
selwand_small Massage Wand: Selenite About 5 1/2 by 1/2 inches, 3 for $12
Price: $12.00
selemp2_small.jpg Mineral Specimens: Selenite Empire State Building, 3 - 4 inches tall, 3 for $10
Quantity   1+  
Price $10.00
sel10_small Rounds: Selenite 10mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $25.00
sel4_small Rounds: Selenite 4mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $9.00
sel6_small Rounds: Selenite 6mm Strands 15 - 16 inches, each
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sel8_small Rounds: Selenite 8mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $20.00
SelHappy_small.jpg Selenite Happy Stone. The White One. Palm stone. About 2 1/2 inches long, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
lgselheart_small Selenite Heart Large, About 2 to 2 1/2 inches, 3 for $12
Price: $12.00
massagewand_small Selenite Massage Wand: Selenite pointed about 6 by 1 inches, 3 for $15
Price: $15.00
selsphere3_small Spheres: Selenite 2 1/2 to 3 Inches Approximately (75mm), 3 for $18
Price: $18.00
selball_small.jpg Spheres: Selenite about 1 1/2 Inches (50mm), 3 for $12
Price: $12.00
selball6_small Spheres: Selenite About 4 inches
Price: $25.00