Stone Pages > Rhodonite


This picture of rhodonite tumbled stones shows it at its best.

30438221_small Bracelets: Stretchy Rhodonite and Heart 8mm 3 for $12, 30438221
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
rhodochippy_small Chips: Undrilled Rhodocrosite 4 Ounces
Price: $6.00
rhfr10_small Rounds: Frosted Rhodonite 10mm by the Strand 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
rh4_small Rounds: Rhodonite 4mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $6.00
rh6_small Rounds: Rhodonite 6mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $6.00
rh8_small Rounds: Rhodonite 8mm Strands 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $6.50
rh10_small Rounds: Rhodonite 10mm by the Strand 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $6.50
rh12_small.jpg Rounds: Rhodonite 12mm by the Strand 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
rhodonsand_small Sand: Rhodonite 7 Ounces (with the jar), 3 for $15
Was: $15.00
Now Only: $9.00