Jewelry & Gifts > Carved Stone Gifts > Soapstone Animal Carvings


Soapstone Carvings
From Peru
with a dash of onyx and others from elsewhere
eager to meet your stonish needs.

pregellarge_small Soapstone (She's with child) Big Elephant 4 inches, 2 for $16
Price: $16.00
pregtularge_small Soapstone (She's with child) Big Turtle, 4 inches approximately, 2 for $16
Price: $16.00
pregelephant2_small Soapstone (She's with child) Small Elephant, 2 iinches or so, 5 for $20
Price: $20.00
pregowlsm_small Soapstone (She's with child) Small Owl, 2 inches Tall Approximately, 3 for $12
Price: $12.00
soapturtleinturtle_small Soapstone (She's with child) Small Turtle Within the Turtle, 3 inches or so, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sac10_small.jpg Soapstone Animal and Symbol Carving Mix, 10 pieces, our choice
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $10.00 $9.00
sacangel_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Angel - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbat_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bat - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sachoneybear_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bear (Honey Bear) - sold in units of 10
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbear_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bear - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacowlchub_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bird - Owl, Skinny Owl, 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacstandingwren_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bird - Wren, Chivillos, Standing (Seemingly) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacboar_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Boar - Babalin - Hog - El Cerdo - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacbison_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Buffalo, Bison, Bisonte - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbutt_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Butterfly - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccamel_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Camel - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacrecliningcat_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cat (Reclining) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccat_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cat, Standing Confidently - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacchameleon_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Chameleon - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccobra_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cobra - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccoyote_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Coyote - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccoyotecream_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Coyote Cream Colored Only - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccrab_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Crab - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccrocodile_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Crocodile or Alligator - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
saccross_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cross 30 x 40mm - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacbrachiosaurus_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Brachiosaurus) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $14.00
sacdimetro_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Dimetrodon) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacspinosaurus_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Spinosaurus) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacstegasaurus_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Stegasaurus) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sactrex_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (T-Rex) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sactriceratops_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Triceratop) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacdogspfat_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dog - Spaniel - Plus Size Ears - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacdog_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dog - Spaniel with the Big Floppy Ears - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacdofglhasa_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dog - The Lhasa Apso - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacporpoise_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dolphin or Porpoise - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacdragon_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dragon - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacdragonfly_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dragonfly - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacduck_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Duck - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
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