Jewelry & Gifts > Carved Stone Gifts > Soapstone Animal Carvings


Soapstone Carvings
From Peru
with a dash of onyx and others from elsewhere
eager to meet your stonish needs.

saccactus_small.jpg Soapstone Carving: Small Cactus - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacskull_small.jpg Soapstone Carving: Small Skull - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacbrachiosaurus_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Dinosaur (Brachiosaurus) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $14.00
sacskulldrift_small Soapstone Carving: Small Skull, Alien - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $14.00
sacturtleleaf_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Turtle (?) Spotted, on a Leaf - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $14.00
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