Jewelry & Gifts > Carved Stone Gifts > Soapstone Animal Carvings


Soapstone Carvings
From Peru
with a dash of onyx and others from elsewhere
eager to meet your stonish needs.

saccatm_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Cat, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
saccoyotem_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Coyote, 3 coyotes for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
soadinmed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Dinosaur, Dinosaurio, about 2 1/4 inches at their longest, 3 for $15
Price: $15.00
sacdolphinm_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Dolphin / Porpoise, 3 pieces for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacdragonflym_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Dragonfly, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
saceaglem_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Eagle, 3 eagles for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacelephantm_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Elephant, 3 elephants for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacelkm_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Elk, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
frogonaleafmed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Frog on a Leaf, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacmedhippo_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Hippo. 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacllamam_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Llama, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
saclobstermed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Lobster, Crawdad, Crawfish, Crawdaddy, cangrejo de río, langosta, Crayfish 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacpiml_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Pig, 3 pigs for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacrabbitmed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Rabbit, Bunny, Hare 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacscorpmed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Scorpion, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacseahorsem_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Seahorse, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacturtlel_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Medium Turtle, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
sacnew lobster_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Lobster - 10 of them /Crayfish/Crawdaddy/Crawfish/Mudbug/Yabby - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacangel_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Angel - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbat_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bat - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sachoneybear_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bear (Honey Bear) - sold in units of 10
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbear_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bear - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacowlchub_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bird - Owl, Skinny Owl, 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacwren_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Wren, Looks Like a Wren, Songbird - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacstandingwren_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Bird - Wren, Standing (Seemingly) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacboar_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Boar - Babalin - Hog - El Cerdo - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacbison_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Buffalo, Bison, Bisonte - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacbutt_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Butterfly - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccamel_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Camel - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacrecliningcat_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cat (Reclining) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sactiger_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cat (Ugly Tiger) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccat_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cat, Standing Confidently - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacchameleon_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Chameleon - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccobra_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Cobra - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccoyote_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Coyote - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccoyotecream_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Coyote Cream Colored Only - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccrab_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Crab - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saccrocodile_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Crocodile or Alligator - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
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