Jewelry & Gifts > Carved Stone Gifts > Soapstone Animal Carvings


Soapstone Carvings
From Peru
with a dash of onyx and others from elsewhere
eager to meet your stonish needs.

sacpeagle_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Eagle Pouncing Flying - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
saceagle_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Eagle, Standing - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacele_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Elephant - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacelk_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Elk - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacfish_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Fish - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacfrog_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Frog - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacfrogonleaf_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Frog on a Leaf - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacgiraffe_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Giraffe - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacgoat_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Goat - sold in units of 10
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacgoddess_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Goddess - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacicgoddess_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Goddess, Ichabod Crane Style, Five Pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $3.00
sacgorilla_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Gorilla - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sachedgehog_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Hedgehog - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacfunkychic_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Hen, Chicken, Funkless, a Bit Dowdy, 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sachen_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Hen, Chicken, It's a Pollo - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sachippo_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Hippo - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sachorse_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Horse - Caballo - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacladyonleaf_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Ladybug on a Leaf - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saclion_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Lion - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
saclizard_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Lizard - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacgecko_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Lizard / Salamander Spawn of D'Artagnan - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacllama2_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Llama - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacnew lobster_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Lobster - 10 of them /Crayfish/Crawdaddy/Crawfish/Mudbug/Yabby - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacmoose_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Moose - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacmoth_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Moth (Battish) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacmouse_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Mouse - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacostrich_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Ostrich, 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacowl_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Owl - sold in units of 10
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacparrot_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Parrot - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacpelican_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Pelican - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacpenguin_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Penguin - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
soappenmed_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Penguin - sold as 3 pieces for $10
Price: $10.00
sacpiggy_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Pig (Chubby, Balloonish) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacflpig_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Pig (Flying) - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacpig_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Pig - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacrabbit_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Rabbit, Bunny, Hare, Leporidae, Conejo, Peter Cottontail - sold as 10 pieces
Price: $12.00
sacram_small Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Ram - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
sacrhino_small.jpg Soapstone Animal Carving: Small Rhino - sold as 10 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
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