Semi-Precious Zunis

Semi-Precious Zuni Bear Beads

According to Zuni mythology, the Bear fetish is the Guardian of the West and has the power to heal and transform human passions into true wisdom.
They believe that Bear is invaluable whenever you are faced with change and transition
and that it can be your ally when you are attempting to resolve conflict, forgive yourself or others for errors of the past,
or when you are faced with new challenges in your spiritual path.
There is a particular kind of depression of the spirit sometimes associated with the deep introspective stage of transition and change.
When this occurs, Bear is a reminder that there is a parallel between depression and the natural state known as hibernation,
when involvement with the outer world is minimized in order to focus more energy on the inner processes necessary for a successful transition.

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chtzb_small.jpg Zuni Bears: Baby (8 x 12), Hubei Chinese Turquoise 15 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
bzsyt_small.jpg Zuni Bears: Baby (8 x 12mm), Yellow "Turquoise" 15 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
tzsoj_small.jpg Zuni Bears: Teenage (12 x 18mm), Olive "Jade" 15 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
1825zb_small Zuni Bears: Pendant with Bail 18 x 25mm The Adult Zuni Bear, 10 for $10
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $10.00 $7.50
1318zb_small Zuni Bears: Pendants with 13 x 18mm with Bail, 10 for $10
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $10.00 $7.50
z1520gr_small Zuni Bears: (15 x 20mm), Green Magnesite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $2.00
zuni12green_small Zuni Bears: Teenage (12 x 16mm), Green Magnesite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
zunipend_small Zuni Bears: Blue Pendant with Gold Plated Bail 18 x 25mm, 10 for $7.50
Quantity   1+  
Price $7.50