Semi-Precious Rectangles > Soft 12x18mm


12 x 18mm Semi-precious Soft Rectangles...
They are Chiclets (but not edible)

magweirdrect_small Rectangle: Magnesite "Turquoise" about 1 1/2 by 2 inches, 15 to 16 inches, 3 for $3
Quantity   1+  
Price $3.00
rt1318la_small.jpg Rectangles: 13 x 18mm Lemon Agate 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $3.00
rt1420mag_small Rectangles: 14 x 20mm Magnesite (Dyed Turquoise Color) 15 - 16 inches, 3 for $4.50
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.50
rect1520ky_small Rectangles: Kyanite 15 x 20mm 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $24.00
mopfacrectoct_small.jpg Rectangles: Mother of Pearl Faceted 12 x 18mm 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.50
sr1218ar_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Aragonite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218av_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Aventurine 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218cq_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Cherry "Quartz" (Glass) 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $3.00
sr1218ep_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Epidote 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218gs_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Goldstone (Glass) 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218jad_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Jadeite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218mk_small Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Mookaite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218nj_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Nephrite Jade 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218rmal_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Red "Malachite" 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
sr1218ser_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Serpentine 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $5.00 $4.00
sr1218yt_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Yellow "Turquoise" (Serpentine) 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $5.00
rt1318brz_small.jpg Soft Rectangles: 13 x 18mm Bronzite 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1+  
Price $9.50
aj2030rect_small Rectangles: 20 x 30mm Artistic Jasper 15 - 16 inches, 3 for $15
Quantity   1+  
Price $15.00
ajwedge30_small Wedges: Artistic Jasper Wedge 16 x 20 x 30mm Strands
Quantity   1+  
Price $6.00
Soft Rectangles: 12 x 18mm Snow "Jade" 15 - 16 inches
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $5.00 $3.50