PCB - Beaver: The Very Evil (or tossup) Brain Damaged Dark Brown Beaver Face, 5 for $6.50 |
PCB - Beaver: The Very Evil (or tossup) Brain Damaged Dark Brown Beaver Face, 5 for $6.50 |
They're from Peru. They're ceramic. They're hand painted. The hole runs ear to ear. Approximately 1 inch high. This is my kind of beaver. He/she is intent on destruction of the forest and maybe you if he can catch you. Like when you are swimming. In Vermont we have billions of trees. That's a billion too many. The trees conspire to crowd out the meadow larks, the thrashers, the bobolinks and the cowbirds. The hole is cheek to cheek. Longitudinal. PCB's - Peruvian Ceramic Beads. Maybe a tree fell on this beaver. Some of the PCB holes will take a 2mm cord, some just close to a 2mm cord. It has asbeaver syndrome.