PCB - Beaver: Standing Angry Look, 5 for $6.50 |
PCB - Beaver: Standing Angry Look, 5 for $6.50 |
They're from Peru. They're ceramic. They're handpainted. They're weird. Drilled side-to-side through neck. Approximately 1 inch. Beavers are not the shy woodland creatures you've been led to believe they are. They get in a snit when you root around their dams or ponds. I've lived it. The only good thing about beavers is they cut down trees. And they are cute. And their dams are fun to let go when you are a kid and cause a flood downstream and the old lady doing her laundry just barely makes it to safety. And in the beginning stages of their ponds they have larger brook trout than the original stream had. PCB's - Peruvian Ceramic Beads. Some of the PCB holes will take a 2mm cord, some just close to a 2mm cord.