Base Metal Beads > Brass & Nickel-Plated Brass Beads


Brass and Nickel Plated Brass Beads

From Korea...From China...From India...From Thailand

br36dc_small.jpg Brass: Bicones 3 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br3c_small.jpg Brass: Cubes 3mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br4c_small.jpg Brass: Cubes 4mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br37dd_small.jpg Brass: Disc Slightly Domed 3 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni57go_small.jpg Brass: Grooved Oval 5 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br57go_small.jpg Brass: Grooved Oval 5 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
brhb_small.jpg Brass: Halved Barrel 4.5 x 5mm, 100 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
brmtw_small.jpg Brass: Manly Twist 5 x 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni36dc_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Brass Bicones 3 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni4c_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Cubes 4mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni46gb_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Grooved Barrel 4 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni46go_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Grooved Oval 4 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
nimtw_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Manly Twist 5 x 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni57o_small Brass: Nickel Plated Ovals 5 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni37o_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Rice (Long Grained) 3 x 7mm, 100 pieces, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
ni4r_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Rice 4 x 5mm, 100 brass, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
ni8_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Round 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $5.00 $4.50
ni8w_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Soft Wheel / Disc 2 x 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni4w_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Soft Wheel 2 x 4mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
nitdc_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Stubby Bicones 4 x 7mm, 100 pieces
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni36tr_small.jpg Brass: Nickel Plated Triangle 3 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
brnp6tr_small Brass: Nickel-Plated Triangle 6 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $5.00 $4.50
br46go_small.jpg Brass: Oval Grooved Lengthwise 4 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br57o_small.jpg Brass: Ovals 5 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br37o_small.jpg Brass: Rice (Long Grain) 3 x 7mm, 100 beads, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
br3r_small.jpg Brass: Rice 3 x 4mm, 100 beads, 3 for $12
Quantity   1+  
Price $12.00
br8_small.jpg Brass: Round 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $5.00 $4.50
br6w_small.jpg Brass: Soft Wheels 2 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br8w_small.jpg Brass: Soft Wheels 8mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
ni6w_small.jpg Brass: Soft Wheels Nickel Plated 2 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
br37tr_small.jpg Brass: Triangle 3 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1 - 9     10+  
Price $4.00 $3.50
br6tr_small.jpg Brass: Triangle 6 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
brtw_small.jpg Brass: Twist 3 x 7mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
brstw_small.jpg Brass: Twist, the Sissy Twist, No Hard Angles, 4 x 6mm, 100 beads
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00
corrd57_small Plated Findings: Corrugated Almost Round Nickel 5 x 7mm, 100 pieces.
Quantity   1+  
Price $4.00