South Pacific Wholesale
Home of the Beadmeister Berlin, Vermont, USA, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy - Irony Sector Big Bang Universe Since 1977 1 800 338 2162 We have a $50 minimum
Finally a Moving Sale Bought my building 10 years ago and in the 38 Penske truck mess from location to location I never had the pre-moving sale I should have had. And of course the moving sale I should have had 24 years ago. I have cases and cases unopened from the 90's. Need I go on?
Our retail store, C Jewels, is at 2 State Street, Montpelier the proverbial and actual corner of State and Main 802 223 1718. Monday - Friday and also Saturday and the occasional Sunday Most days during the Christmas season.

The physical address of our cranberry colored building is 195 U.S. Route 302, Berlin, Vermont though those in the know know it as The Barre-Montpelier Road. We're about 1 mile west of Barre on the way to Montpelier, not in East Barre as your GPS may tell you. If you put Barre into your GPS (our mailing address) you may be sent on a snipe hunt. To the boonies. It may not go well for you. Call desperately and we will walk you through your escape.
About 6 miles east of Montpelier. About a mile west of Barre.
Our mailing address is: South Pacific Wholesale 195 US Route 302 Barre, Vermont 05641
At the warehouse no set hours though I am here every day: Code for "Somebody is a workaholic."
Call first. The Seal of Poor Quality The Industry Substandard
If an item on our website has the Seal of Poor Quality it may be poorly dyed, poorly cut, poorly drilled or may even be aromatically unappealing. But not worse than a similar item from another dealer.. However, the absence of the Seal of Poor Quality (it's not a rat) doesn't guarantee superior quality. Then again, you might like that funky hut-made look.
It is our hope that you like what you get and return what you don't or call us and we'll adjust you over the phone. All prices are subject to change without notice. Returns? Don't spend $8 returning something that costs $3.
"Ad astra per aspera" To the stars through difficulty.
1 800 338 2162
Do not fester. To fester is bad.